Category: Various Sources

  • Amazing Wind Power Facts

    Amazing Wind Power Facts

    These days, a huge number of people are worried about the environment. It’s no wonder, what with the fact that we’re slowly but surely hitting peak oil. Once we hit peak oil, there will simply be no more new oil wells to be found. Oil will become more and more scarce, and it will be…

  • Water Power Is One of Nature’s Kindest Bounties

    Water Power Is One of Nature’s Kindest Bounties

    Water is one of nature’s most important elements and there can be no life, as we know it, unless water is also constantly available. Water follows a constant cycle of evaporation and precipitation and due to its liquid properties, will always move from higher places to lower places thanks to  gravity. This constant movement of…

  • Discover The Pros And Cons Of Solar Energy

    Discover The Pros And Cons Of Solar Energy

    Solar energy continues to be more and more promising as technology improves, and for this reason it is common for many to want to get involved and benefit from this source of energy. With the many advantages that can be had from using solar energy it is understandable and a great idea to want to…

  • Renewable Energy Basics – What Is Wind Energy?

    Renewable Energy Basics – What Is Wind Energy?

    Wind energy is a clean renewable form of energy that has a low environmental impact and high economic benefit. While it is not zero carbon energy because of the construction and decommissioning involved in creating wind farms, it is still the lowest generator of carbon footprints among all forms of renewable energy sources. What is…

  • Green Products Are The Way To Go

    Green Products Are The Way To Go

    These days, a huge number of people are worrying about the environment. It should be obvious why. With climate change becoming a larger problem, and quickly dwindling natural resources all over the world, it’s becoming more and more important to try to save what we have. Of course, saving what we have brings up its…

  • Top Four Examples Of Renewable Resources

    Top Four Examples Of Renewable Resources

    Despite efforts of the fossil fuel industry to make it seem as if the only viable energy choices available to people are those that are destructive to the earth and limited in quantity, development of the use of renewable resources continues to grow. Many people are understandably want to find out about specific examples of…

  • There Are More Alternative Fuels Than You Think

    There Are More Alternative Fuels Than You Think

    These days, many people have significant environmental concerns. It makes sense, really. Slowly but surely, we’re hitting peak oil, a time when there’s little more oil to be found. Once this happens, there is likely to be less and less oil to go round. In addition, there’s the problem of climate change and the amount…