Tag: solar energy

  • Discover The Pros And Cons Of Solar Energy

    Discover The Pros And Cons Of Solar Energy

    Solar energy continues to be more and more promising as technology improves, and for this reason it is common for many to want to get involved and benefit from this source of energy. With the many advantages that can be had from using solar energy it is understandable and a great idea to want to…

  • Tips For Living In Eco Friendly Homes

    Tips For Living In Eco Friendly Homes

    Over the last few decades, the environmental movement has gone mainstream. More and more people are interested in leading greener and more sustainable lifestyles. They may be primarily concerned with mitigating the effects of global warming, or they may worry about their local environment. No matter what the source of their concern is, however, many…

  • Renewable Energy Basics – What Is Wind Energy?

    Renewable Energy Basics – What Is Wind Energy?

    Wind energy is a clean renewable form of energy that has a low environmental impact and high economic benefit. While it is not zero carbon energy because of the construction and decommissioning involved in creating wind farms, it is still the lowest generator of carbon footprints among all forms of renewable energy sources. What is…